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Routine Wellness Exams

Why a Pet Routine Check Is Invaluable

Pet routine wellness exams evaluate your dog’s or cat’s overall health, ensuring they are as healthy as possible. We combine these vet checkups with vaccinations, proper nutrition, and parasite prevention. A wellness checkup for dogs and cats aims to enhance your pet’s lifelong health and well-being.

Our veterinarian near Murrieta, CA, will check your dog or cat’s health to identify issues early, allowing them to treat them effectively. They can also offer advice to prevent more severe health issues later in life.

What Happens At A Routine Exam?

We will conduct a physical exam of your pet which generally consists of any or all of the following:

  • Examining feet & nails
  • Examining ears for signs of infection, mites, discharge, or polyps
  • Examining mouth and teeth, looking for signs of tartar buildup, infection, damage, tooth decay, or periodontal disease
  • Palpating the abdomen to see if internal organs appear normal and check for signs of discomfort
  • Feeling along the body for hints of illness including swelling, evidence of lameness, or signs of discomfort.
  • Checking the weight and body condition
  • Checking the overall attitude of your pet
  • Listening to your pet’s heart & lungs
  • Checking lymph nodes
  • Examining eyes for signs of discharge, redness, cloudiness, or eyelid concerns
  • Checking skin & coat for dryness, parasites, or lumps.

Vaccination & Prevention

During your pet’s routine wellness exam, the veterinarian will also check whether they require preventive care, or if your dog is due for any routine vaccinations.

Puppies & Kittens

Kittens and puppies need a pet routine check during the first few weeks to ensure they are healthy.

During pet routine wellness exams for puppies and kittens, we complete a physical exam, administer vaccinations, and provide deworming medication. We also test for intestinal parasites to ensure long-term health and prompt treatment, when required.

We welcome pet owners to contact us any time with questions and concerns to ensure you know how to care for your new puppy or kitten. You can discuss at your appointment or contact us after.

After the puppy or kitten pet routine check close to Murrieta, CA, we will recommend when to return for another checkup and vaccinations.


Older dogs and cats are living longer due to advancements in veterinary medicine, including new therapies and improved nutrition. Vet checkups near Murrieta, CA, for your aging pet will ensure they live longer and healthier lives.

While pet routine checks are vital for dogs and cats of all ages, we focus on potential age-related conditions that can affect pets, such as vision problems and arthritis. We may recommend additional lab tests to understand your pet’s overall health.